Rebuilding a new me in 2022! Action Steps you could include in your life…
Rebuilding a new me in 2022! Action steps I will be implementing and areas of my life that I’ll be focusing on. Direct your focus where you need and get inspired to take action.
A Flexitarian Approach Part 2. Create a road map; deal with stress; play with your food!
"A Flexitarian Approach to eating is defined as a person who eats a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally eats meat or fish" according to google dictionary. Now that we have tuned into our bodies, listened to its messages, and gotten some clarity as to what it...
A Flexitarian Approach to eating. Being rigid vs. Being flexible. Tune into your body. Get clarity with questions. Part 1
Flexitarian is defined as a person who eats a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally eats meat or fish according to Google dictionary. Being rigid vs. Being flexible. Tune into your body. Get clarity with questions.
Are you Feeding your Spiritual Health? Ways you can boost your spiritual health on a daily basis.
Feeding your spiritual health is as important as feeding other areas of your life. It requires daily attention. Spiritual health for me is a daily practice of connecting with Spirit, myself and nature.
Keep it simple. 3 Action Steps for a Brighter You.
A brighter you!
Dealing with Fear: 3 Things You Can Do to Hang in There and Stay Healthy
With a pandemic spreading around the world, there are feelings of uncertainty especially when it comes to the future, lots of fear, widespread panic buying, social distancing, hand washing, businesses closed, shelter in place - ya well you know all of this because you...
Surfing with the boys in Cali
"Surfing is like the mafia. Once you're in - you're in. There's no getting out." Kelly Slater Coming off my first surf trip to Costa Rica (read previous blog - "Enter Surfing. Exit Yoga. An Unexpected Twist.") I was stoked to get back on a surfboard. With what I felt...
Exit Yoga. Enter Surfing. An Unexpected Twist.
"Some people travel to surf, but lots of times I feel like I surf so I can travel."Chris Malloy Have you ever been surfing? It's one of those sports that has always been on the back of mind - looks cool, ya I think I would like riding waves, how hard can it be?,...
Costa Rica in Prague – Soul Nourishing Messages
Growing up, my dad was an avid photographer, he had all sorts of cameras with a variety of lenses as well as a polaroid camera! Remember those? He used to snap photos of me when I was little, they would instantly come out of the camera, he’d wave the photo around and you could see the image come to life.
What You Put in Your Body Affects How You Think & Feel
I was having a conversation with a client the other day - we were talking about healthy lifestyle choices. I have been studying food, nutrition, and well healthy lifestyle for a long time now - I know there's always new information that comes out but, for the most...

Life Coaching By Phone - You Can Be Anywhere