Feeding your spiritual health is as important as feeding other areas of your life. It requires daily attention even it is only for a few moments. Spiritual health for me is a daily practice of connecting with Spirit, myself and nature as well as finding hope even in the hardest of times. There is a deep part of myself that is all knowing and peaceful at all times however, SHE, needs feeding – attention, recognition and silence especially if SHE is going to live fully and purposefully.
Recently my life took an abrupt turn, and I was forced to go a different direction. As a result, I had to take a hard look at myself and my life and figure out what the “F” I was doing and where the “F” I was going! At this point I only have a few ideas floating around in my scattered brain and I am not ready to make fixed decisions because I am in the process of finding my feet. So, I have slowly been figuring out that a beautiful place to start is with my spiritual health – my heart and my soul. They need feeding – love, attention, light, silence, steadiness, care, calm and a little duct tape to put them back together.
I stopped taking care of my spiritual health
Unintentionally, I stopped feeding my spiritual health. I got terribly busy taking care of my ex, his happiness, my dogs, my cats and our life together. I was not seeing the tole it was having on my body, my mind, my heart, and my soul. Now here I am presented with a beautiful opportunity to start again and take the time I need to nurture and feed my heart and soul.

Ways I am feeding my spiritual health
Writing! I write in a journal – love to write free hand – it always feels like it is a free flow of feelings from heart and soul onto a blank page where nobody judges me, and I am free to be my authentic self (still getting to know her!). I am writing blog articles – trying to be personal and honest with my readers and clients – I want them to know that I am human and still seek fulfillment in various areas of my life just like them. I do breath work (most days) – it calms my anxiety when it kicks into high gear, it brings me into the present moment, and it absolutely clears my head when it is swimming with crazy thoughts. I exercise – recently I joined a Martial Arts school to get back into Muay Thai as well as reconnect with that badass part of my self – she is fearless and strong, and boy do I need her right now!

Ways to feed your spiritual health & an exercise to determine your needs
Write. Meditate. Breathe. Exercise out in nature. Paint. Draw. Read a book that inspires you to grow. Play music and dance with your dogs. Hug your cat. Cook (new recipes are always fun!). There are so many ways that you can feed your spiritual health. Remember to practice daily! Even if it is for just a few minutes.
Here’s a quick exercise as to how you can determine what your heart and soul are needing.
- Put your left hand on your heart (we give with our right and receive with our left), close your eyes and ask – what does my heart need right now? What does my soul need right now? The answers will gently float to the surface and you will know exactly what you need to do for you. Trust those first answers – they are always right.

Today – Affirmations
Today, I am taking everything one day at a time.
Today, I spent time feeding my spiritual health, healing my heart and soul.
Today, I remind myself that I am healing slowly but surely.
And today, I am forever grateful to be here sharing this with you.
Meredith offers a spiritual path to healing and body betterment that I have not found with any other guide. She is the truth.
Thanks Christopher! So glad we have reconnected and thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my latest creative and soul inspired truth! Appreciate you…
I love this! 100% truth!! ❤❤❤
Thanks girl! For the first in a very long time I enjoyed writing! And I enjoyed writing this!
Such a beautiful reminder. Using these affirmations for next week! Thank you!
Great post, M! Reminds me of the time you told me to try Morning Pages – totally life changing. Writing is so healing and like you pointed out is free flowing and judgement free. What a great place to start practicing being that.
I love the idea of going back to the basic need of food – feeding your soul is a basic need, too! Thank you for the exercise to determine what my heart and soul are needing! I’m going to try it tonight. I wonder what answers will come…
Thank you, Meredith!
Hey you! Love the Morning Pages too, I found myself writing a letter to ME today, just free flowing beautiful energy coming from somewhere deep, felt great to feel loved from within! Always love connecting with you girl! XO
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your transparency! In reading your article, I walk away with wanting to take charge of my spiritual health! You have inspired me to do what I have to do to reconnect with that “badass” part of me! I’ll definitely start with the exercise you shared! Much love and respect!
This has given me pause for self-reflection. Lately, I have been so stressed out with work I have become someone I am not crazy about. I need to recalibrate by taking care of myself … more time with my dachshund who won’t be around forever, more hugs and laughs with my husband, more stretching … now that I have started talking to myself the list goes on. Thanks babe.
Thank you for your insides. Praying, dancing, meditating, writing, and exercise has always help me. You will get through this new space in your life.
Love the article.
Thanks for such a powerful post! I find that caring for my spiritual self always brings some level of peace, and I need to do it more often!